Contract 8680 LEFL Jetty South Replacement – Pre-tender meeting minutes
Current Status: Closed
Tender Awarded To: No award
Tender Information
Pre-tender meeting minutes – Contract 8680 LEFL Jetty South Replacement
Wednesday 19 April 2023, at BI Depot and LEFL (project site)
Meeting opened at 9:10am
1 Introductions and meeting overview
2Â Description of project provided, with reference to drawings and project specification, noting in
particular requirements for pile embedment depths to achieve both vertical and lateral load
capacities (with reference to the geotechnical report).
3 Overview provided of the tender process, including:
– Closing date note as 12:00pm 10 May 2023
– Submissions may be lodged by email or by hardcopy in the tender box at GP head office)
– Evaluation criteria
50% – Price
20% – Understanding of project requirements, including staging and technical requirements
– noting further discussion of project considerations later in meeting
10% – Time to complete worksÂ
10% – Previous experience
10% – Availability or suitable plant, equipment and personnel
– Alternative tenders would be considered but tenders must also submit a conforming tender
– Tenderers to provide a list of relevant additional / provisional items and unit rates, for the
purposes of evaluating variations to the scope of works.
4 Specific issues for tenderers to consider in their submissions, including:
– Impact on adjacent assets owned/managed by others, particularly the grouted-stone seawall
and the LEFL building
– Impact on LEFL operations
o Specific industrial hazards including noise (pile driving in particular)
o Management of disruption to operations
o Communication with LEFL will be important to maintain fish unloading operations on the
northern jetty, the movement of construction workers around the site
– Contractor is not responsible for removal and/or reinstallation of the overhead ice conveyor and
fish bin conveyor systems (this will be directly arranged between LEFL & GP)
– Tenderer to give specific consideration to the required pile driving equipment to achieve the
required vertical and lateral resistances, existing sub-surface soil conditions, noting that PDA
testing for a minimum of two piles is required.
Contractors would be permitted to use Gippsland Ports’ Bullock Island Depot yard for barge loading
/ unloading of plant and equipment only.
Contractors would be permitted to use Gippsland Ports’ Bullock Island Wharf compound for barge
loading of materials only (e.g. precast elements, piles, etc)
5 Other projects that tenderers should be aware of in relation to delivery of the contract works:
– Council BI civil infrastructure Upgrade works (unlike to directly impact but road access may be
restricted at times)
– DELWP Seawall works (possibility of multiple contractors on or within vicinity; discussions ongoing with      DEECA as to timing of their works and possibility of single contractor for both packages of works – TBC)
6 All attendees participated in a site inspection of the works site, noting access points from land     and water, existing operations and general site conditions
Meeting closed 10:10 am
Tender Documents
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