Gippsland Ports, along with other local agencies provides boating facilities to suit the interests and needs of commercial and recreational boaters.
Public berthing facilities are regulated under the Port Management (Local Ports) Regulations 2015. Gippsland Ports make it easy for mariners to understand time limits in place at all of our public berthing areas via signage and the Waterways Online mapping tool. Gippsland Ports’ Authorised Officers patrol public berthing areas on a regular basis and vessel operators are requested to observe the posted time limits of the “Colour Coded Berthing Zones” when using public facilities within the Ports/waterways.
Public Swing Moorings are also available for temporary berthing at various sites on the Gippsland Lakes for up to 48 hours. (vessel size limits apply) Follow this link for more information.
While the information on this website does not include all of the facilities available at the various locations it provides general advice on the locations of boat ramps, wharves and jetties; the particulars of permit and itinerant berth availability and the location of on water refuelling and sewage disposal facilities managed by Gippsland Ports, Parks Victoria and local government.

Public Facilities Suitable for Disabled Access
Suitable facilities are generally floating pontoon jetties.
- McMillan Strait boardwalk berths between Main Wharf and Yacht Club
- Grassy Point Marina Itinerant berths and outer alongside (adjacent to Gippsland Lakes Yacht Club)
- Grassy Point Sailability Jetty (adjacent to Gippsland Lakes Yacht Club)
- Slip Road Boat Ramp Jetty (managed by East Gippsland Shire)
- Dawson Cove Boat Ramp Jetty at Newlands Arm (managed by East Gippsland Shire)
- Raymond Island Boat Ramp Jetty (managed by East Gippsland Shire)
Lake King
- Nicholson River Boat Ramp Jetty at Nicholson
- Johnsonville Boat Ramp Jetty – Tambo River (managed by East Gippsland Shire)
Lake Entrance
- Myer Street Destination Jetty (near the Cunninghame Arm footbridge)
- Cunninghame Quay – Eastern side itinerant berths
- Western Boat Harbour
- North Arm Boat Ramp Jetty (managed by East Gippsland Shire)
- Flagstaff Jetty
- Barrier Landing Jetty
Gippsland Lakes West
- Marlay Point Boat Ramp Jetty – Lake Wellington
- McLennan Straits Boat Ramp Jetty at Hollands Landing (managed by Wellington Shire)
- Port of Sale Jetty – (managed by Wellington Shire)
Further information
Refer to the links below for details of boating facilities in each waterway managed by Gippsland Ports.
Better Boating Victoria (BBV) was established in March 2019 to oversee the Labour Government’s commitment to make boating cheaper and easier.  In addition to  removing parking and launching fees on publicly available boat ramps across Victoria, BBV will oversee a number of projects to improve boating facilities and infrastructure including works at Mordialloc, Queenscliff, Point Richards, Hastings, Rhyll and Cowes Jetty. BBV will also review the management of boating infrastructure in Port Phillip and Western Port.  Follow this link to Better Boating Victoria