Bathymetric Surveys

Gippsland Ports undertakes bathymetric surveys on waterways under management to provide navigational information to both internal users and for publication to the public.

Surveys are undertaken by Gippsland Ports’ highly skilled Hydrographic Services unit, with the survey charts published to our website for general reference information.
Gippsland Ports requests users who access the information to acknowledge the source where required.
Note that the details for the location and arrangements of navigation markers may have altered for some charts since publication.
For the most up to date navigation information, Gippsland Ports recommends that these charts be viewed along with ‘Waterways Online’  and the ‘Notices to Mariners and Warnings‘.

The various surveys are listed in the table below.

  • All
  • Andersons Inlet
  • Corner Inlet & Port Albert
  • Gippland Lakes
  • Lakes Tyers
  • Mallacoota
  • Shallow Inlet
Surveyed Area: Mallacoota Inlet Bottom Lake
Surveyed Area: Lakes Entrance Bar & Entrance Channel 9th July 2024
Surveyed Area: Vicinity of the Lakes Entrance Inner Channel 1st July 2024
Surveyed Area: Lake Victoria: Ocean Grange, Aurora and Steamer Channels - May 2024
Surveyed Area: Old Lewis Channel as at 7 May 2024
Surveyed Area: Mitchell River Cut at 29th April 2024
Surveyed Area: Franklin Channel as at 15 April 2024
Surveyed Area: Port Albert Entrance as at 22 April 2024
Surveyed Area: Lakes Entrance Bar & Entrance Channel 17th April 2024
Surveyed Area: Corner Inlet Toora Channel - Barry Beach (ECM) to Toora Channel No. 11 - 27th March 2024
Surveyed Area: CI61768 Corner Inlet Entrance - Between No. 1 & No. 5 Buoys - 22nd March 2024
Surveyed Area: Barry Beach Channel as at 22nd March 2024
Surveyed Area: Lewis Channel - Shipping Pier to Welshpool Harbour
Surveyed Area: Rotomah Channel - 24th January 2024
Surveyed Area: GL6749 Hopetoun Channel 16th January 2024
Surveyed Area: GL6748 MGA2020 Kalimna to Nyerimilang January 2024
Surveyed Area: AI6733 Anderson Inlet Entrance - December 2023
Surveyed Area: Loch Sport Marina Jetty Approach at November 2023
Surveyed Area: Loch Sport Mooring Jetty Approach at November 2023
Surveyed Area: GL6729 – Vicinity of Seagull Drive Boat Ramp Approach - November 2023
Surveyed Area: Nicholson River Approach
Surveyed Area: Lakes Entrance Bar & Entrance Channel survey- 9th November 2023
Surveyed Area: Mitchell River
Surveyed Area: Tambo River
Surveyed Area: Lakes Entrance Bar survey- 14th June 2023
Surveyed Area: GL6660
Surveyed Area: Nicholson River Approach
Surveyed Area: McLennan Strait taken 2013
Surveyed Area: GL5721 McLennan Strait Eastern Approach taken 2013
Surveyed Area: Mitchell River - The Cut
Surveyed Area: Bennison Spit - 7 May 2021
Surveyed Area: CI6403 Port Albert Entrance Fairway Buoy to no 1 on 24 February 2021 (rev B)
Surveyed Area: Tarwin River - River Entrance and Channel to 6070m
Surveyed Area: AI6373 Venus Bay boat ramp approach
Surveyed Area: North Arm Channel as at 18 August 2020 - 2 sheet set
Surveyed Area: Toora Channel Surveys
Surveyed Area: Port Albert Inner Entrance at 8 July 2020 revised September 2020
Surveyed Area: Albert River (old Port Channel)
Surveyed Area: CI6332 Snake Channel
Surveyed Area: Midge Channel
Surveyed Area: Corner Inlet Middle Ground - July 2020
Surveyed Area: Port Albert Harbour
Surveyed Area: McLoughlins Channel 2020
Surveyed Area: Avon river
Surveyed Area: Perry River
Surveyed Area: Port Albert to McLoughlin’s Beach
Surveyed Area: GL5903 Lake King West - Eagle Bay to Raymond Island 2015
Surveyed Area: Lakes Entrance - Cunninghame Arm
Surveyed Area: McLennan Strait Western Approach March 2018
Surveyed Area: LT6638 - Lake Tyers vicinity of the boat ramp
Surveyed Area: SI6496 Shallow Inlet Entrance October 2021
Surveyed Area: GL5902 Lake Victoria: Bunga Arm Channel 2015
Surveyed Area: CI5899 Port Franklin River Channel 2015
Surveyed Area: CI5843 Bennison Creek October 2014
Surveyed Area: Mitchell River: Vicinity Eagle Point Boat Ramp 2015
Surveyed Area: CI5836 Stockyard Creek 2014
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