Gippsland Ports Committee of Management Inc, as the Local Port Manager for the Local Port of Gippsland Lakes make the following notice under Division 3 Regulation 14 of the Port Management (Local Ports) Regulations 2015 (The Regulations).

At a particular public facility upon the expiry of existing set aside time limits, a vessel must vacate the structure and not return for a minimum period of 12-hours. This determination ensures the safe and efficient management of free public facilities throughout the Gippsland Lakes.

The list of public facilities included in this determination are as follows:

  • Cunninghame Quay Lakes Entrance
  • Myer Street Jetty Lakes Entrance
  • Western Boat Harbour Pontoon Lakes Entrance
  • Flagstaff Jetty
  • Barrier Landing Jetty
  • Nyerimilang Jetty
  • Metung Wharf
  • Silvershot Jetty Mosquito Point
  • Johnsonville Jetty
  • Nicholson Jetty
  • Mitchell River Landing
  • Butter factory Wharf Bairnsdale
  • Steamer Landing Jetty Raymond Island
  • Raymond Island Jetty
  • Fisherman’s Wharf Paynesville
  • Grassy Point Marina and Sail-ability Jetty Paynesville
  • South Boardwalk Paynesville
  • Progress Jetty Paynesville
  • Ocean Grange Jetty
  • Steamer Landing Jetty
  • Loch Sport Mooring Jetty
  • Loch Sport Marina Jetty
  • Hollands Landing Jetty

In accordance with The Regulations this notice is also published on the Gippsland Ports website. This notice takes effect from the date of publication.

David Ashworth as delegate of Gippsland Ports Committee of Management Inc.


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