Gippsland Ports is seeking expressions of interest for purchase and removal of a 10.7m (35’) timber vessel “MV Undine” from the Paynesville boatyard. The vessel was abandoned and removed from the waterway by Gippsland Ports in late 2022. The vessel is currently unseaworthy and in need of repair.
Gippsland Ports will require the purchaser to remove the vessel from the yard once a sale is finalised. If you require access to view the vessel, please contact Paynesville Boatyard on (03) 51566 352 during business hours to arrange a suitable time.
Please send your expressions of interest by close of business on Thursday 23rd March 2023 along with your intended use of the vessel and terms upon which the sale will take place to:
“EOI MV Undine”
Gippsland Ports
PO Box 388
Bairnsdale, Vic 3875
or emailed with subject line “EOI MV Undine” to: