The Harbour Master’s Directions and Port Information Handbooks contain specific information relating to the ports, navigation and services of Gippsland Ports for the Port of Gippsland Lakes and the Port of Corner Inlet and Port Albert. The Handbooks also detail the Harbour Master duties and functions with respect to marine safety, which are implemented by way of Harbour Master Directions.
Marine advice and guidance is provided for shipmasters, ships’ agents, vessel owners and operators to facilitate safe and efficient navigation and operation within the port waters of Gippsland Ports.
Select Harbour Master Directions below
Harbour Master Directions for Port of Corner Inlet and Port Albert
Harbour Master Directions for Port of Gippsland Lakes
Select Port Information Handbook below
Port Information Handbook Corner Inlet & Port Albert
Port Information Handbook Gippsland Lakes
Select Harbour Master Forms below
Application for Arrival and Departure – Port of Corner Inlet and Port Albert
Application for Arrival and Departure – Port of Gippsland Lakes
Wharfage Certificate and Cargo Declaration
Vessel Maintenance on Water Application