Notices to Mariners
Notice to Mariners No.296 of 2023
Port of Corner Inlet and Port Albert
Aids to Navigation
Major Buoy Exchange Program Completed
DATE:Â 27 July 2023
Notice to Mariners No.276(P) of 2023 is referred and cancelled.
Mariners are advised that the Major Buoy Exchange at the Port of Corner Inlet and Port Albert has been completed, NtoM No.276(P) is cancelled.
There is no change to the charted positions or light character of the following exchanged buoys at the Entrance to Corner Inlet;
 Corner Inlet Entrance Channel – No.1 South Cardinal Mark Buoy (VQ(6)+LFl.10s)
Corner Inlet Entrance Channel – No.3 Starboard Lateral Mark Buoy (Q.G)
Following a recent survey and to better align the deepest track across the Port Albert Bar, the Port Albert Fairway Buoy (LFl.10s) formerly in position;
Lat.   38° 45.185’ S
Lon. 146° 42.401’ E                Datum WGS84
Has been relocated approximately 200 metres to the South and established in position;
Lat.   38° 45.300’ S
Lon. 146° 42.398’ E                  Datum WGS84
The Port Albert Outer Starboard Lateral Mark Buoy (Fl.G.3s) remains in the same position at;
Lat.   38° 45.156’ S
Lon. 146° 41.415’ E
The latest survey indicates the least depth on the Port Albert Bar with the Fairway Buoy and the Outer Starboard Buoy in transit is 1.7m at LAT.
Mariners are advised that transits of the Port Albert Bar should only be carried out during fine weather conditions and if there is sufficient height of tide taking into consideration the vessels draft, the existing sea state, predicted weather conditions for the duration of the voyage and the expected conditions and tide height for the time of return.
Passengers and crew should be briefed so they are aware of the sea state conditions that may prevail at the time of departure or arrival.
 Vessel Operators are reminded that the entrance to Port Albert is an Ocean Access Bar and large swells may occur, even at times when the conditions are assessed as being good.
Night navigation is considered extremely dangerous and should only be attempted by mariners with sound local knowledge of the Port Albert entrance.
Further details can be obtained from Gippsland Ports Harbour Master on 0427 610 025
Chart Aus.181 – ENC AU439146
Gippsland Ports Waterways Online available at;
Gippsland Ports – Waterways Online v2 (
No further Notice will be issued.
Capt. Bevis Hayward
Harbour Master
Gippsland Ports