Notices to Mariners
Local Navigation Warning
Port of Gippsland Lakes
Location: The Narrows and Reeve Channel
DATE: 28 September 2021 DETAILS: Mariners are advised that dredging operations in The Narrows and Reeve Channel involving the “TSHD Tommy Norton” will be taking place over coming weeks when tides and environmental conditions allow. The dredging program in the area is estimated to be completed by the end of November. The areas to be dredged include the Narrows upstream from Cunnighame Arm and Reeve Channel between light buoy No.1A (Fl.G.3s) and Beacon No.3 (Q.G.) To facilitate safe access to the dredging parameters in the area of the turn from The Narrows into Reeve Channel temporary changes have been made to the position of the following Aids to Navigation. Port Lateral Mark Buoy No.6 (Fl.R.3s), new temporary position;- Lat.     37° 52.848’ S
- Lon.  147° 57.596’ E
- Lat.    37° 52.877’ S
- Lon. 147° 57.414’ E
- Lat.    37° 52.794’ S
- Lon. 147° 57.470’ E