Gippsland Ports, the local port manager, is planning ahead and considering options to improve safety and accessibility for commercial and recreational vessels in the harbour.

It is developing a Local Port Area Plan (Plan) for the Port Welshpool Harbour. This Plan will guide future decisions about the safe operation, functionality and sustainability of the harbour.

It’s being developed under the Victorian Government’s Sustainable Local Ports Framework. This framework prioritises port facility planning and investment where it’s needed most.

The final Plan will consider changing local conditions, the needs of users, and the community’s preferences for enhancing the local port area.

It will also consider options to improve safety and access for commercial and recreational vessels.

In 2023, Gippsland Ports consulted with harbour users, interest groups, commercial operators, industry representatives, government officials and members of the community to help develop the draft Plan.

The draft Plan is now available for feedback. 

Harbour users and the local community are encouraged to provide feedback via Engage Victoria until Wednesday, 4 September 2024.


Gippsland Ports will consider all feedback in preparing the final Port Welshpool Local Port Area Plan.

Additional information is available in the Port Welshpool Harbour Local Port Area Plan – Information Sheet.

For more information, please contact Gippsland Ports via our contact us page at Contact Us – Gippsland Ports.

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