LNW No. 6 of 2024

The following navigation notice is published for general information.

Australia – Victoria

LNW No.6 of 2024

Port Of Gippsland Lakes

Dredging Operations

Ocean Grange and Steamer Channel – sand nourishment works



Tuesday 30th July 2024



Mariners are advised of dredging operations to be undertaken by Gippsland Ports in the vicinity of Ocean Grange to sand nourish Horries Spit, Crescent Island and Albifron’s Island. The dredging operations are scheduled to commence from 29th July and continue through to Mid – Late September 2024.

The Cutter Suction Dredge (CSD) “Kalimna” will initially be operating in Ocean Grange Channel working near the Ocean Grange Jetty for a period of approximately 6 weeks.  Associated floating pipelines will extend from the dredge to several specific sites to provide sand nourishment to improve the habitat values for migratory birds at Crescent Island and the Adjoining Horries Spit.

Following this, dredging works will relocate to the area south of Albifrons Island in Ocean Grange Channel to provide sand nourishment to Albifrons Island.

Mariners are advised to exercise caution and proceed at a safe speed when navigating in the area.

The CSD “Kalimna” shall exhibit navigation lights at night and day shapes during daylight hours as required by the Prevention of Collision Convention (COLREGS). The vicinity of floating pipeline and anchor buoys shall be marked at night by lit buoys.

A location map detailing the extent of the works is attached to the downloadable version of this notice.

Further details can be obtained from Gippsland Ports Head Office on (03) 51 500 500.



Gippsland Ports Website – Waterways Online mapping, available at

Gippsland Ports – Waterways Online v2 (arcgis.com)



A further notice will be issued.


Capt Bevis Hayward

Harbour Master

Gippsland Ports

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