Notice to Mariners & Warnings

Notices to Mariners

Notices to Mariners (NTM’s) provide legal notification of changes in conditions within charted waters that could affect the safe and efficient movement of shipping. A Notice to Mariner is issued for the purpose of providing permanent navigation information—frequently this information will result in a chart correction.

A notice may be marked as Temporary (T) if the information will remain valid only for a limited time. The master or skipper of a vessel must ensure that the passage of a vessel complies with Notices to Mariners and that charts are altered in accordance with information provided.

The Australian Hydrographic Service of the Royal Australian Navy is the Commonwealth authority responsible for national chart production known as AUS Charts and the circulation of Australian Notices to Mariners that are distributed nationally and internationally. Information contained in Gippsland Ports’ notices are regularly reproduced in the Australian Notices. These notices are recognised as being an authoritative, accurate guide on marine charts.

Local Navigation Warnings

Local Navigation Warnings (LNW’s) provide notification of changes in conditions within Gippsland Ports’ waterways that could affect the safe and efficient movement of shipping. Local Navigation Warnings are generally issued when the changes referred to occur in waters not covered by an Admiralty chart; or that refer to a small, localised event. The master or skipper of a vessel must ensure that all vessel operations comply with directions given in Local navigation warnings.

Interested parties may wish to subscribe to the “Notice to Mariners” option to automatically receive notification when new notices are issued.

To view Statewide Notices to Mariners, click here.

Current Notices

  • All
  • All Ports
  • Anderson Inlet
  • Corner Inlet & Port Albert
  • Gippsland Lakes
  • Lakes Tyers
  • Mallacoota
  • Shallow Inlet
  • Snowy River
  • Sydenham Inlet
  • Tamboon Inlet
  • Uncategorised

LNW No. 1(T) of 2024

Sydenham Inlet

Temporary Artificial Waterway Opening


Tuesday 4th June 2024


No previous notice for this event.


Recent rainfall has resulted in increased water levels with possible flooding of community and infrastructure assets at the township of Bemm River.

Sydenham Inlet is currently closed to the sea. The East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (EGCMA) have been monitoring water levels within the inlet system. The level has been reached where an artificial opening will be attempted on Wednesday 5th June 2024.

Parks Victoria in conjunction with EGCMA, will manually excavate to create the opening. These artificial opening events are normally temporary until the floodwaters recede.
A vessel Exclusion Zone will be in force from tomorrow, 5th June 2023 for approximately one week to facilitate the safe opening of Sydenham Inlet.

A series of red “No Boating” Buoys will be established across the line of the narrow opening to the inlet, approximately 2.5 kilometres upstream of the ocean opening. The position of the Exclusion Zone boundary is a line;

Lat. 37° 46.371’ South
Lon. 149° 00.040’ East

Lat. 37° 46.374’ South
Lon. 149° 00.153’ East Datum WGS84

See attached area map.

Mariners are advised to stay well clear of temporarily open entrances to avoid being carried away through the entrance by strong ebb flows.

Mariners are also advised against an attempt to navigate out into the ocean over natural sand bars that form outside temporary entrances.

Bar crossings are regarded as extremely dangerous and can cause serious personal injury or death when unfavorable environmental conditions exist.

Mariners are invited to contact the Harbour Master on 0427 610 025 should they wish to discuss port entry for any Ports under the Management of Gippsland Ports.


No further notice shall be issued.

David Ashworth

Assistant Harbour Master

Gippsland Ports

LNW No. 2(T) of 2024 – Port of Gippsland Lakes – Missing Dredge Pipes

Location: Gippsland Lakes - Vicinity of Lakes Entrance Bar

LNW No. 1(T) of 2024

Sydenham Inlet

Temporary Artificial Waterway Opening


Tuesday 4th June 2024


No previous notice for this event.


Recent rainfall has resulted in increased water levels with possible flooding of community and infrastructure assets at the township of Bemm River.

Sydenham Inlet is currently closed to the sea. The East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (EGCMA) have been monitoring water levels within the inlet system. The level has been reached where an artificial opening will be attempted on Wednesday 5th June 2024.

Parks Victoria in conjunction with EGCMA, will manually excavate to create the opening. These artificial opening events are normally temporary until the floodwaters recede.
A vessel Exclusion Zone will be in force from tomorrow, 5th June 2023 for approximately one week to facilitate the safe opening of Sydenham Inlet.

A series of red “No Boating” Buoys will be established across the line of the narrow opening to the inlet, approximately 2.5 kilometres upstream of the ocean opening. The position of the Exclusion Zone boundary is a line;

Lat. 37° 46.371’ South
Lon. 149° 00.040’ East

Lat. 37° 46.374’ South
Lon. 149° 00.153’ East Datum WGS84

See attached area map.

Mariners are advised to stay well clear of temporarily open entrances to avoid being carried away through the entrance by strong ebb flows.

Mariners are also advised against an attempt to navigate out into the ocean over natural sand bars that form outside temporary entrances.

Bar crossings are regarded as extremely dangerous and can cause serious personal injury or death when unfavorable environmental conditions exist.

Mariners are invited to contact the Harbour Master on 0427 610 025 should they wish to discuss port entry for any Ports under the Management of Gippsland Ports.


No further notice shall be issued.

David Ashworth

Assistant Harbour Master

Gippsland Ports

LNW No. 1(T) of 2024

Sydenham Inlet

Temporary Artificial Waterway Opening


Tuesday 4th June 2024


No previous notice for this event.


Recent rainfall has resulted in increased water levels with possible flooding of community and infrastructure assets at the township of Bemm River.

Sydenham Inlet is currently closed to the sea. The East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (EGCMA) have been monitoring water levels within the inlet system. The level has been reached where an artificial opening will be attempted on Wednesday 5th June 2024.

Parks Victoria in conjunction with EGCMA, will manually excavate to create the opening. These artificial opening events are normally temporary until the floodwaters recede.
A vessel Exclusion Zone will be in force from tomorrow, 5th June 2023 for approximately one week to facilitate the safe opening of Sydenham Inlet.

A series of red “No Boating” Buoys will be established across the line of the narrow opening to the inlet, approximately 2.5 kilometres upstream of the ocean opening. The position of the Exclusion Zone boundary is a line;

Lat. 37° 46.371’ South
Lon. 149° 00.040’ East

Lat. 37° 46.374’ South
Lon. 149° 00.153’ East Datum WGS84

See attached area map.

Mariners are advised to stay well clear of temporarily open entrances to avoid being carried away through the entrance by strong ebb flows.

Mariners are also advised against an attempt to navigate out into the ocean over natural sand bars that form outside temporary entrances.

Bar crossings are regarded as extremely dangerous and can cause serious personal injury or death when unfavorable environmental conditions exist.

Mariners are invited to contact the Harbour Master on 0427 610 025 should they wish to discuss port entry for any Ports under the Management of Gippsland Ports.


No further notice shall be issued.

David Ashworth

Assistant Harbour Master

Gippsland Ports

NTM 226(P)-2017

Location: Lakes Entrance - Vicinity

Mariners are advised that the Trailing Suction Hopper Dredge (TSHD) “Tommy Norton” is scheduled to arrive at Lakes Entrance on Friday 1st September 2017.
From 4th September 2017 “Tommy Norton” will be conducting dredging and equipment trials at various locations including;
The Lakes Entrance Bar
The Ocean Entrance Channel
The Narrows and swing basin, and
Near the entrance to Cunninghame Arm.
During the dredging and equipment trials “Tommy Norton” shall be displaying the lights and day shapes as required by Marine Orders Part 30 and the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. Operations will be conducted in daylight hours only.
Masters of Commercial and Recreational vessels are reminded that they must observe the rules prescribed in Harbour Masters Directions Part 2 Port of Gippsland Lakes. Part 2 Section 5.2.11 of these Directions refers to the rules when operating near the “TSHD Tommy Norton”. Rule 1: All vessels must keep clear of the Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger (TSHD) Tommy Norton while it is navigating through channels and fairways or carrying out dredging operations in The Narrows (Reeve Channel) or on the Lakes Entrance Bar.
Rule 2: Any vessels whether inbound or outbound through The Narrows (Reeve Channel) or on the Lakes Entrance Bar must not attempt to pass the TSHD Tommy Norton unless that vessel receives verbal permission from the Dredge Master on VHF Ch16. to do so. Rule 3: A vessel given permission to pass the TSHD Tommy Norton must pass the dredge as directed by the Dredge Master.

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